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𐄊 Reviews

As Ecclesiastes says, 'of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh.' We agree! Emma takes the view that we pay for books twice: purchase cost and time-cost. So we hope you find these reviews as a means to invest wisely ... and get some insights from those books you know you'll never get around to reading yourself!

The Reason for God

The Reason for God

This apologetic book by Keller was a phenomenon. Its wisdom for thinking about apologetics, doubt, and evidence for the Christian faith make it a 'must-read' for the Christian. But it does have some weaknesses, which we also outline here.

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Christ & Culture Re-Thought

Christ & Culture Re-Thought

A review of two books on a Christian approach to 'culture', the first by Moore, and the second by D A Carson. In different ways both books take their starting-point from Niebhur's 'Christ and Culture', which has shaped conversation for over half a century.

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Three Books on Prayer

Three Books on Prayer

This is a review essay exploring the nature of prayer, with books by Jensen & Payne, Packer & Nystrom, and Yancey as conversation partners. What is prayer? What is the context of prayer? And does prayer make a difference?

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