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𐄋 Theology ∞ Doxology

The late J I Packer was known not just for saying, but exemplifying in the classroom, that 'the purpose of theology is doxology'. Theology is of course practical in its implications and transformative by God's Spirit (as this series reflects), but the primary purpose of theology must never be reduced to its utility or functionality: *knowing* God is about knowing *God*. As Aquinas put it: 'Theology proceeds from God, teaches us about God, and leads us to God.'

Does the Church Have Priests?

Does the Church Have Priests?

You might think that such a simple question has a very simple answer: unfortunately not! Let me take you through what the Bible says about priests and church, some translation issues and mistakes made in history, and then summarise.

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Who Is The Holy Spirit?

Who Is The Holy Spirit?

Many Christians feel the need to promote the Spirit’s personhood in terms of his uniqueness, else we ‘forget’ or ‘neglect’ the Holy Spirit. But the unasked question remains: does the Spirit himself feel the need to define his personhood in this way?

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Reading or Speaking The Bible?

Reading or Speaking The Bible?

Writing is an act of speech; reading is an act of listening. This is helpful to remember, since, particularly in memory cultures, the written word often functioned as the preservation of or aid to recall the spoken; texts were read out loud.

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What Is 'Church'?

What Is 'Church'?

It is not unusual for the modern use of a word to be quite removed from the meaning of that word in its biblical context(s). ‘Kingdom’, for instance, in modern use has an emphasis on ‘realm’ while in Scripture the word refers to the ‘reign’ or ‘rule’ of a king.

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What Is Christian Maturity?

What Is Christian Maturity?

The concept of maturity is related to the ideas of perfection, completion, and wholeness. Just as we may speak of mature fruit, so too might we speak of the mature Christian: grown, fully rounded, complete, and whole. Christian maturity is about fruition.

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Christian Disciples

Christian Disciples

It is important to pause and observe that nowhere in the New Testament are Christians ever described as disciples of a fellow believer. Throughout the Gospels and Acts, ‘disciple’ is used as a term for believers exclusively with relation to Jesus.

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Standing on The Shoulders of Giants

Standing on The Shoulders of Giants

The reformed church is always reforming. We don’t stand on giants’ shoulders so we can stomp on them; we stand on their shoulders because they put us there. The effect is to have been given a better view—a view that we ought not be silent about.

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Is The Church Still Serious About Heaven?

Is The Church Still Serious About Heaven?

In this article, I’d like to think through the different, albeit related, realities of ‘heaven’ and the ‘new creation’. I want to whet your appetite to discover more of our present and future reality. I’d like to help you to see this is an essential pillar in any theological framework.

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